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6 Tips for exercising and training your dog in the summer.


Wonderful thing about dog training is that it draws us outside, in the fresh air, both in the summer and winter. However, with rising temperatures in the summer, some hazards may arise: training raises heart rate and body temperature in short time to a high level. This can lead to a number of problems like overheating, dehydratation or even sunstrokes! Check our tips for training and exercising dogs in the summer! 1) Exercise your dog in the shade. That requires some planning. Playing tug or running in the full sun may not be the nicest thing for your dog. Or even long stay on hot sand is not such a good idea. Before you choose training location ask yourself: are there sufficient shaded areas over there? How much space do we need? In what direction is the sun moving and is it possible that my spot will be in full sun just a few minutes later? 2) Evening or morning sessions. Unlike in winter it is advisable to avoid highest temperatures in the middle of the day. Better option is to train in the mornings or evenings when the exposure to the sun will be lower. Btw. Can you imagine a better start to the day than a good walk? wink emoticon 3) Plan your training. Long training sessions in the heat may discourage your dog and lower his motivation. Do short sessions instead and let your dog rest between them. I typically do 3-5 repetitions per session. I like to keep them short, and rather do more of them, rather than fewer which run to long. Moreover I will start with energetic exercises like heeling or retreiving when my dog is still fresh and finish with stays when is getting bit tired. 4) Don't forget about yourself wink emoticon happy owner means happy dog- that is why your state of mind during training is so important. Wear functional clothing, apply sunscrean and some insect repellent for your comfort. 5) Make sure you take enough water for you and your dog! Don't think we need any extra comment on that wink emoticon in hot day we have to drink a lot! however it is good to remember that it is not good ( for you both) to exercise with full belly of water. Advisable is to let your dog to drink before you go outside and then little bit during every break. Moreover keep in mind that if your dog is panting heavly drinking may cause choking. 6) Take your dog swimming! And this is a fun part! wink emoticon There is no better conditioning exercise for dogs than swimming. It is safe for joints and fun for most of dogs! You will keep you dog cool as well so you can exercise longer. Take a frisbee or floating toys and you are almost ready to go.

If you are taking your dog on the beach, you have to remember to provide a shaded area ( eg. little tent) and enough drinking water. Thanks for reading! Share your ideas for the summer training in the comments!

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